A Must Make Summer Classic Captures Sweet, Tangy and Crunchy in a Jar!
Here at Fat Cat Cooking, we try the best of what the internet has to offer and pass the best of the best on to you! We think this refrigerator bread and butter pickle recipe is the best out there thanks to our friend Deb Perelman, aka Smitten Kitchen. A few things to note...if you like your pickles very, (and we mean very!) sweet, then use the full amount of sugar listed. Otherwise reduce it to the lesser amount. Also, use Diamond Kosher salt as it weighs less and thus will be less salty than Morton's. No Diamond Kosher? Use half the amount of salt called for. The best part of this recipe? Almost instant gratification as there's no canning!
1 pound cucumbers, sliced 1/4-inch thick — “pickling” or Kirby cucumbers
1 large sweet onion, thinly sliced
1/4 C. Diamond Kosher salt
1/2 to 3/4 C. sugar
1/2 C. distilled white vinegar
1/4 t. ground turmeric
1 T. mustard seeds
1 T. coriander seeds or 1 t. ground coriander
1/4 t. celery seed
In a medium bowl, combine the cucumbers, onion and salt. Mix well.
Cover the mixture with ice. Let stand at room temperature for two hours.
In a pot, bring sugar, vinegar and spices to a boil.
Drain cucumbers and onions. Add to vinegar mixture and bring almost back to a boil.
Remove from heat and cool.
You can store the pickles in an airtight container for up to three weeks in the refrigerator. They will begin tasting pickled in just a couple hours. Makes 1 quart.